The newest novel “Righteous Rebellion” by James Hooker was just released on August 14 as an e-book and is available at all major sites, including the most popular, listed below. Check out what critics have called a “flat-out brilliant book”! A quirk of fate has enabled the donation of a history-altering amount of cash to […]
Review by Anthony Avina: Best-Selling Author, Writer, Blogger
This was such a compelling and thoughtful narrative. The author does a great job of balancing what feels like their own personal experiences with hilarious and engaging scenarios unique to the island they find themselves on. The fast pace of the narrative and the relatability of the character’s arcs in this story felt like a […]
Just Released! Righteous Rebellion
A quirk of fate has enabled the donation of a history-altering amount of cash to the ministry of a popular religious leader in a solidly Conservative state. Having interpreted the donation as a sign from above, the pastor has divined its purpose: to enable his state’s formal secession from the Union and to have their […]